Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Growing Up, Moving Up, Throwing Up?

So, great big world of readers, I have an announcement to make. I have sent out a resume for a big boy job at a really awesome organization. I realize this is ridiculously long-shot-ed, just given the actual position, the specifics, and my particular credentials, but I think it is a step. And thus, I think, I should probably send out about 500 more such resumes and then throw a party with Jell-o shots just to subvert the possibility of becoming too much of a grown-up.

It isn't so much that I feel any real likelihood of getting this job, though it would be amazing. It's just that I'm proud of myself for finally sending out a resume to someplace that is legit, and not just waiting for the people who cruise to call me and try to make me into a telemarketer. No offense to my multiple telemarketing friends, but I'm looking for a job that actually notices that I have a degree and international experience and skillz.

All that said, today I'm going to shop at the Goodwill for a vest to complete my ensemble for a wedding this weekend. I guess growing up and shopping at Banana Republic and having a car with air conditioning and having health insurance are all steps that are in the future. Maybe the future is coming on.


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