"Coffee Shop Intellectual"
Insomniac nights with coffee shop hours,
You belong here because I say so.
Nicotine, caffeine, dopamine sifting through
our veins,
Lighting the scene with manic expressions
and epiphanies.
We know nothing like no one else,
Explain the universe better than our gods.
Our degrees and numbers prove our worth
Like the Picassos, van Goghs, and Monets
Down at odd angles from the shelter of
Easter-colored walls.
If you were any better,
Any smarter,
Or simply sober,
I'd be your lover.
This, of course, comes after some really bad haikus and progressively worse poetry. But nowadays, having completely given up on having a literary career (for obvious reason), it makes me happy to see where/what I've come from.
And so I challenge you! Write bad poetry or seek out the pages you've already mangled in your youth.
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