Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is this "free time"?

Oh, end of semester, how I have longed for you. So many papers written, so many tests studied for, and now it's all over, for the time being at least. So how exactly is it that I'm already kind of bored when I haven't been finished with you, semester, for more than a week? The part-time job waiting on snooty children at the Little Rock Racquet Club might take up some of my newly found free time, but five hours three days a week is non satisfactory. Enter summer projects:

One: get the nightmare portion of my thesis project out of the way. I've spent two semesters so far cataloging, photographing, and hunting down all the pieces of two donated collections, and there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe a trip to Mexico for research will ensue?

Two: study for the G.R.E. Self-explanatory. Non update worthy.

Three: learn to spin. I've been an off-and-on knitter for a little over two years now, but I can't possibly be satisfied with making my own sweaters and scarves. Nope, I have to learn to make my own damn yarn before I'll be happy. This one is in process; I bought some prepared hand dyed fiber at Toadsuck, have made my own spindle, and spent about twenty minutes looking up Youtube videos about spinning. Turns out, making yarn out of a bunch of balled up sheep hair is a lot harder than it looks on the Interwebs.

Four: fix up Boyfriend's furniture. As of now it's kind of a drab green, but I'm thinking a cool Asian theme. More to come on that.

This, my friends, is all for now. Excuse me while I go examine faux bamboo covers.

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