Thursday, May 20, 2010

Let's Do It Utilitarian Style!

Hear ye, hear ye!

Summer 2010 book club getting started off with Thomas Carlyle's Sartor Resartus, the delightful tale of one gent's descent into psychological oblivion after attempting to find spiritual completion in an age in which the individual is lost "for the sake of the greatest good for the greatest number." No, there aren't any epic fencing scenes or great wars--although Napoleon is referenced quite a bit--but the narrative and observations do reflect an age not unlike our own. 

Meetings will be held at River City Coffee in Little Rock (2715 Kavanaugh Boulevard Little Rock, AR 72205 (501) 661-1496; Anyone and everyone can feel free to join, and we won't judge you (too much) if you don't make it all the way through. We're gonna shoot for weekly meetings but understand that because of time constraints and such, it's not feasible that everyone shows for every meeting. Which leads me to my next point, this site will serve as a record of what we talk about as well as a forum for anyone wanting to contribute to the conversation. 

Look for future updates including specific times and dates. Also, provide your email and we'll get updates out that way as well.

Happy reading and hope to hear from ya!

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