Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome to the real world

I suppose an introduction is in order. I'm T, and I'm graduating college, and I'm not sure about much else. This summer is supposed to be the ignition of my pursuits of creative ventures from gardening to fiber arts to film making. Well, I mean, I've done these things before. But now I'm standing at the precipice of the semi-structured excuse that has been college and looking around with mouth agape at the possibilities. I'm going to be a grown-up, and all I want to do is dig in the dirt and make stuff with my hands while I blare Amy Winehouse (she's good, even if she's cracked-out crazy) on my iPod.

So here I stand, alluding to John Mayer lyrics and putting off writing the last shreds of papers I must do for my undergraduate work and pontificating into the vast emptiness that is a blog with an unassured readership... But I bought a bag of felting wool and some florist wire yesterday. I get the feeling that a bustling store on is right around the corner. Right next to my organic produce stand.


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